Sii l'energia che vuoi attrarre

black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Allena la tua energia positiva

Benessere e movimento per una vita migliore.

Eccellente, motivante, trasformativo, energico, positivo.


Chi sono e cosa faccio

Sono Cristina Quarta, esperta di energia positiva. In questo blog di mental training, condivido consigli su energia, movimento e benessere per migliorare la qualità della tua vita.

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Servizi di Coaching

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A group of people is gathered in an indoor space, sitting on yoga mats in what appears to be a guided meditation or yoga session. The room is spacious with industrial design elements such as exposed beams and large windows. There is a person seated on a stage facing the group, likely leading the session. Potted plants and sound equipment are present on the stage, creating a serene yet focused atmosphere.
A group of people is gathered in an indoor space, sitting on yoga mats in what appears to be a guided meditation or yoga session. The room is spacious with industrial design elements such as exposed beams and large windows. There is a person seated on a stage facing the group, likely leading the session. Potted plants and sound equipment are present on the stage, creating a serene yet focused atmosphere.
Allenamenti Online

Partecipa ai nostri allenamenti online per sviluppare energia, movimento e benessere nella tua routine.

A page from a book titled 'Aftermath of Buying' focuses on mastering one's mindset. The text advises taking time to meditate, surround yourself with wisdom and understanding, and avoid distractions. It emphasizes setting goals and thriving instead of just surviving.
A page from a book titled 'Aftermath of Buying' focuses on mastering one's mindset. The text advises taking time to meditate, surround yourself with wisdom and understanding, and avoid distractions. It emphasizes setting goals and thriving instead of just surviving.

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